Saturday, 30 April 2011

Preferred Wedding Gifts of Modern Newly Weds

Engaged couples today are pretty blunt about what kind of wedding gifts they wish to receive in their big day. Gone are the days of being gracious of whatever the guests might bring in to their celebrations. Newlyweds are now becoming more vocal in their preferences and let their guest list know usually in upon the release of their wedding invitations. The older generation might be offended but the humor and approach of the younger generation make up for the offense.

Slowly turning away from the traditional house warming choices, most newlyweds prefer the more modern selection and wider array of possible marital presents. Bridal registry is not a new concept but it has not died either. For couples who already have a home, this choice of a gift can be practical. Enlisting in a bridal registry in your local malls can give your guests a better idea of the items and appliances that you might need for your house.

Couples most often do not have an idea what they would want as a married couple - especially for first time married couples. And this could mean outright asking for cash or checks instead of in kind presents for their wedding. Any amount is welcomed by most newlyweds and they tend to save what they receive for a down payment to a house, a car, or a honeymoon package. To facilitate this kind of cash preference, events coordinator places a wishing well or money tree in the reception halls after the marriage ceremony. Guests are asked beforehand in the wedding invitations which have a portion that houses a money envelope that guests can place any amount as their wedding presents.

Another fast becoming favorite for most modern newlyweds are the honeymoon packages. Travel reservations and or bookings can be a break from the usual gifts married couples tend to receive. A one-week paid tropical vacation in Bali or exotic safari vacation in Africa can create a bonding opportunity for the couple to know each other more in a different setting. This can give them ample time to have the right starting foundation to a lasting marriage - companionship and having fun together.

Couple gadgets can be thoughtful as wedding presents. A couple mobile phone, GPS tracker, portable storage disks, and many other gadgets can be an amusing present to the couple who needs to be always in touch. Communication using these gadgets can help the newlyweds be more appreciative of each other’s opinions and presence. This is the best bet for couples who tend to be techies or into computer and Internet business or professions.

Many other thoughtful and modern wedding presents are truly creative and meaningful. You can become bolder in even giving out naughty bedroom attires to the couple if you know them well enough. Or you can give them passes to their favorite ball game or access to an extreme sport arena. The ideas can be you can conjure in your mind are endless. The most important thing is, you know the couple well so you can give them something they prefer and appreciate.

Jesse Vickers is a writer who likes to share valuable information and ideas on wedding favors as well as related products.

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