Saturday, 30 April 2011

Tooth Decay Causes

Tooth decay or cavity is a dental condition, in which the enamel is dissolved by bacterial action, leading to cavities or holes in the tooth. It is medically referred to as dental carries. Even though, tooth decay is considered as a childhood disease, everyone is at a risk to developing cavities at any stage of their life. Millions of people are affected with dental carries worldwide. Overall, tooth decay causes and risk factors remain nearly the same for all people. Read more on tooth decay in children.

Tooth Decay Causes

The query 'what causes tooth decay' remains unknown to many people. Actually, decay in the tooth is resulted from demineralization process (mineral dissolving), which in turn is caused due to accumulation of acids on the tooth surface. This acid is secreted by bacteria present in the mouth, in the presence of glucose, sucrose or fructose. In short, the causes of tooth decay are acid producing bacteria and dietary choices.

When food containing fermentable carbohydrate and sugars are ingested, bacteria like Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus act on them, leading to production of lactic acid. Dental plague is then formed by combination of saliva, bacteria, acid and food wastes. In such an acidic condition, demineralization of the tooth takes place, which over time results in holes and cavities. No doubt, our teeth are always in a state of demineralization and remineralization processes. But, in a decaying tooth, dissolving of mineral occurs in a rapid rate and the affected tooth cannot recover.

Based on the location, there are two types of tooth decay, namely, pit and fissures carries and smooth surface carries. Also, acute carries (rapid decay) and chronic carries (slow decay) are classified, depending upon the rate of disease progression. Most people are affected with chronic type, while acute condition is triggered by certain factors. The causes of rapid tooth decay are attributed to poor diet, smoking, alcohol consumption, dry mouth, diabetes and radiation therapy. Read on gum diseases.

Tooth decay is asymptomatic or not obvious in the initial stages. The early sign of tooth decay is a chalky spot in the affected tooth portion. This area enlarges and causes holes over a period of time. Besides cavities, another noticeable symptom is unexplainable bad breath. In many patients, tooth decay causes bad breath, bleeding gum, bad taste in the mouth and sensitivity to cold and hot foods.

Tooth Decay Treatment and Prevention

Tooth decay, if left untreated for a prolonged period, can lead to painful symptoms, toothache and in severe cases, tooth loss. The treatment option for tooth decay depends on the severity of the dental condition. In the early stage, reversing tooth decay can be done with proper dental health care and using fluoride containing products, as prescribed by the dentist. In case of cavity formation, the dentist may consider filling the hole with a tooth filling substance, a procedure called dental filling. If necessary, root canal treatment and removal of the affected tooth are recommended as a severe tooth decay treatment.

You may like to know more on:

    * Infected Tooth Remedies
    * Tooth Pain Remedies

Tooth decay is easily preventable with basic oral hygiene and a healthy diet. As we have seen, tooth decay causes are bacteria in the presence of sugary foods, hence make sure you rinse and floss after having such food items. By doing so, the fermentable food wastes are not retained in the mouth, thus inhibiting the formation of acids. Majority of the dental carries are manifested due to poor oral hygiene and improper brushing. So, to prevent tooth decay, one should practice correct dental care routine.

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