Friday, 10 June 2011

Hobbies at Home

So, you seem to have time at hand? Is it boring you yet? Well, if it is, you are in luck. Here, I have for you many great hobby ideas. They are fun, easy and a blast. So, let's get started with this list of hobbies at home.

Cheap hobbies at home
These stay at home hobbies are a great way to kill time without spending much.

    * Start a small garden: You could start it in your backyard or in your balcony. Get different types of plants. The more color, the better, right?
    * Read: Reading has been known to be a great habit, since ages. So why not use it as a weapon to kill time? Read books that interest you and that will increase your knowledge base. You could even read text books of subjects that interest you.
    * Yoga: Yoga can rejuvenate your mind and help you be more aware of what surrounds you. There are several videos available on the Internet or rental videos that you could watch to learn it well.
    * Bonsai Creation: Plant bonsai and take care of them. They look great and you can really pamper them if you have time. Just get all the bonsai tree care instructions and start a miniature forest.

Hobbies for men at home
Men are known to be hyper-active and often need to be doing something. If, for any reason, you (the man) need to be at home for a long time, you are bound to need some recreation in the form of hobbies at home.

    * Ticket Collection: In case, you travel by the subway often, collect the subway tickets. You could do this collection with any type of tickets. Gather them and sort them on the basis of the first digit on them. You will be amazed at how much time you will kill doing this.
    * Chess: Chess is a game that can be played even while you are by yourself. You use your mind while you try to beat yourself at a game. It sharpens your mind and gives you some thinking time.
    * Repair Work: There are several things around house that need to be repaired and maintained. Being the man of the house, you can spend your spare time doing that. This way, you would not only be using your time effectively, but saving money that you would need to pay if you hired someone to come and do those jobs.
    * Cooking: Cooking is an art. It needs precision and skill. Try your hand at it. The worst that will come out of it is that you will make less-than-delicious food. Either ways, with practice, who knows? You could be the next Jamie Oliver

Hobbies for Stay at Home Moms
Often women feel the need to quit their jobs during the initial years of their child's life. However, boredom does strike when a full time career woman turns into a stay at home mom. Fret not, you moms can also have tasks or hobbies that you'll can take up.

    * Sewing: Sewing is a great hobby for stay at home moms as you can use your time making something that will be of direct use to you. You don't need to buy clothes for your children, you can make them. However, try to keep the clothes in tune with the latest trend, you don't want your child getting embarrassed because of the clothes, do you?
    * Knitting: Knitting, like stitching, is a very useful hobby. More so, because it takes up time and needs concentration. It is perfect to give you a feeling of accomplishment.
    * Writing: Being a woman you, most probably, have a creative streak. So, all those stories that you made up for your children? Write them down and think of more. Who knows, somewhere down the line, you could get your writing published!
    * Volunteer Work: Volunteer with charities and NGO's. It can be fun, fulfilling and great if you are into networking. More so, it will be a good example for the children, as they will know the importance of working towards society.

Hobbies can often lead to very lucrative careers. So, don't neglect your hobbies, they keep the essence of you, alive. This is where I sign off! Have fun with interesting and satisfying hobbies at home!!

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