Friday, 10 June 2011

Making a Hologram - How to Make a Hologram

The art of holography involves reproduction of images in a 3 dimensional form, by capturing the light scatter around the image. Light waves get scattered on reflection from an object surface. If these scattered waves are captured in an image, the picture of that object appears as if it is being viewed in real time. The holographic processes are commonly used to store data, retrieve this data and garner information after processing it. Bar code stickers for confidentiality in exams or credit cards and holographic art work are some of the most common applications of holographic works. It is possible to make your own holograms with minimum infrastructure and few logistical requirements. Homemade holograms do not require much equipment and can be made using quite easy techniques. How to make a hologram requires a lot of patience and precise application. Contrary to popular belief, this can be made at home, albeit at a cost.

How to Build a Hologram at Home

A standard hologram using a laser beam can be made in the following way. The technique for the same involves some common articles (sand, bowls, clips, etc.), a holographic kit, and a dark and quiet room.

    * Use a dark room, suitable for being equipped with the above tools, which is also free from noise, air flow or any vibrations. You can use the concrete floor to lay your equipment or use a vibration resistant, still and sturdy table.
    * The subject whose holographic image is to be created must be a hard object, preferably in white color. Even the slightest of movements or vibrations may distort the holographic image. Maintaining absolute silence in the room is also very important. The object can be placed on a simple pad, like the one used for a computer mouse to dampen or nullify the effect of even the smallest movements.
    * Choose a laser specially designed for stable operation, right polarization, power and coherence length requirement. A tested laser for holograms is different from the conventional lasers pointers. Take proper precautions in handling all the apparatus. Children should not experiment with the procedure and if necessary to do it, should do it under complete adult guidance.
    * Place the object on the table and adjust the laser about 30 to 40 cm away from the object. You can stabilize the laser by gripping it in a crocodile clip or clothes pin. This arrangement can be supported in a bowl of sand or salt, so as to avoid any vibrations from affecting the setup.
    * If the laser has an arrangement for adjustment of the light focus, use it to spread the beam horizontally in an elliptical pattern. Alternatively, this can be done by placing a glass between the object and the laser on a similar arrangement, as used for the laser. The laser should fully lighten up the object and a small area around it.
    * Turn off all the lights in the room and create a small opening in the door to allow just a little visibility for you. The light should be adequately faded, such that you are just able to see, but not read.
    * Block the light from the laser, reaching the object by means of a book which can act as a shutter. Carefully, remove the glass holographic plate from the kit and keep it leaned against the object, such that it blocks the object from direct exposure to the laser beam. Allow any vibrations to settle down and lift the book only about an inch off the table.
    * When all vibrations subside, remove the book completely and allow the laser light to fall on the holographic plate, implicitly the object, for approximately 10 seconds. After this, block the light again by bringing the book in its original position.
    * Process the plate according to the instruction manual given in the kit and dry the plate such that heat and light shouldn't affect the drying process. The hologram is ready to be viewed on the plate under sunlight, flashlight, etc.

Do not use diffused light sources such as frost bulbs or lamps, and adhere the process of how to make a hologram thoroughly. This is one of the most effective ways of making a hologram whereby you can also earn some accolades for creativity from your acquaintances.

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