If it was not for our joints, our body parts, especially, the bones and muscles would not have been strong as they are. Joints, thus needless to say are extremely crucial for our physical and consequently our mental health. Joints are those which connect one bone with the other, by which the movements of our limbs are facilitated by these joints. If anything happens to joints, it makes life miserable for us. In middle aged and older people it is more common and they are more prone to it. Here is a low down on healthy joints.
Maintaining Healthy Joints
Movement is the Key
Exercise is one of the best ways to keep the joints healthy. Exercise helps in keeping the joints flexible and retains their range of motion. In old age, there is a distinct stiffness in the joints. Exercising helps avoid that stiffness. It also keeps your weight in control. Focus on exercises for stability and development of core muscles. This will prevent loss of balance and subsequent injury. Read more on joint pain and stiffness.
D for Diet
Eating right, again, especially in the latter half of our lives is imperative. This connects with the joints in 2 ways – if you eat right, you would be fit and would not gain weight. The other thing you would achieve is that you would consume all the substances with a healthy diet needed to keep the joints in perfect shape. Calcium, Vitamin C are specifically good for the joints. Balanced diet goes a long way in maintaining health in entirety. So for healthy joints, dieting is a must. Read more on vitamins for joints.
Watch it
Watching your weight and avoiding weight gain is another way to ensure healthy joints. Gaining weight is an easy invitation for disorders like arthritis and osteoporosis. As you put on weight, the extra kilos weigh heavily (pun unintended!) on your knee joints, to be particular. That gives rise to various joint problems.
Post' ure It
If you slump or slouch a lot, then it can spell doom for your joints. Therefore, your posture from the one in which you sleep to the one in which you work or even spend your leisure time matters a lot. Hip joints and neck muscles are strained if you slouch. Guard them by practicing an erect posture.
Muscle Mania
Build major muscle groups if you do not have enough flesh over your muscles. This is because muscles are a cushion and shock absorber for your joints. Lack of enough muscle tissue can lead to joints taking a pounding. Weight training exercises can help towards this aim a lot.
Take Precautions
If at all you take part in high intensity activities, involving physical risk, ensure that you use protective gear while you indulge in that activity. This serves another purpose of keeping joint disorders as a result of injuries. Having a good and comfortable pair of shoes in addition to this will go a long way in maintaining healthy joints, especially knees and hips. Hence invest in a good pair of shoes and in case of joint swelling, applying ice will reduce the swelling.
S for Supplement
Every time you have a meal, it is a chance that you may not be able to get all the nutrients at one go. So be prepared to pop a pill of a nutritional supplement, there is no harm in it. There are many healthy joints supplements available in the market. Supple healthy joints review, of the juice supplement is one of them. Read more on joint pain supplements.
Don't Keep the Doctor Away
Get a check up done once in a while. Sometimes even after doing this, you may face problems. That time you may need professional help to retain healthy joints. The doctor will immediately diagnose if there is any problem which may give rise to joint pain and other joint related problems. In such a case they can be nipped in the bud.
There is no single way at the end of the day to ensure the health of your joints. All these factors combined will make sure you keep joint problems at bay. Even then, some problems may occur, but religious practice of these things will keep problems to a minimum or nil.
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