Monday, 31 January 2011

Water Softener Maintenance

Hard water is not suitable for drinking, cooking, washing and other household activities. Due the presence of high amounts of minerals (calcium and magnesium), it forms scales in the pipes and cooking utensils. When combined with soap and detergent, hard water forms less lather and results in scum formation. Softening water and installing a water softener are effective methods to convert hard water into soft water. The former option is very costly and hence, a water softener is the best alternative to treat hard water for household utility purpose.

Among the several models of water softeners, an ion-exchanging resin device is the most popular unit. Similar to other home appliances, it can have many problems. Understanding the water softener parts and the working mechanism will help in easy solving of the problems. It consists of a resin bed containing negative ions (sodium, potassium or hydrogen). When hard water is passed through this resin bed, the negative ions bind to the metal ions, thus replacing minerals from the hard water. Water softeners are essential for generating drinking water and hence water softener maintenance is essential for maximum efficiency and longevity of the unit. Read more on water softeners - how they work.

How to Maintain Water Softener?

Maintaining a water softener system is simple and less time consuming, provided that you check the system on a regular basis. Prior to proceeding with any step for water softener maintenance, first go through the user manual provided with the unit. This will help you in easy identification and repair of the malfunctions. You can refer to the following points for water softener repair and maintenance:

Select the Salt Type
Based on the water softener model that you have purchased, you can check for the appropriate salt types. If you do not have much time for care and maintenance of the unit, then opt for evaporated salt. Though this salt is expensive than the rock and solar salt, the brine tank requires minimal cleaning if you use this salt. Read more on water filters.

Inspect the Salt Levels
Presence of adequate salt is necessary for replacement of the mineral ions and/or soft water supply. You can inspect the salt levels for at least once in a month. Ensure that the salt level reach about 1/3rd of the brine tank. It is better to refill the tank before the salt level falls below this appropriate level.

Clean the Brine Tank
Periodic cleaning of the brine tank and feeding salts (if necessary) is the most essential step for proper working of the water softener. The more water insoluble matter in the salt, the higher should be the frequency of cleaning. Thus, depending upon the salt type, you may require to clean the brine tank frequently, once in 2 months. Read on water purification systems.

Check the Resin Bed
Excess buildup of water insoluble substance in the resin bed may result in a poor quality water supply. Presence of high iron content in the water supply are noticeable signs for problems in the resin bed. You can remove iron deposits (if any) with the help of an iron remover or a resin bed cleaner.

Resin Bed Replacement
In most of the water softener models, the resin bed lasts for about 20-25 years. Hence, if the unit is not working properly, first check for malfunctions of the brine tank and other components. If nothing is wrong with them, then the resin bed may require replacement. If you notice algal and bacterial growth, then replace the resin bed.

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