Monday, 31 January 2011

Water Softeners : Basics of Water Softening Systems

Water softener

Hard water usually consists of calcium and magnesium ions. Hard Water may also consist of other dissolved metals, sulphates and bicarbonates. Therefore, Hard Water is generally water with a high level of minerals. Hard Water is not dangerous but it may cause some problems scaling and even a deposit like limescale. Therefore, we need to soften hard water. The machinery used to turn hard water into soft water is known as Water Softener

A Water softener removes these ions that make the water hard. Not only calcium or magnesium, but also iron may be removed. This softener has to be directly connected to the water supply. These can work in automatic, semi-automatic or manual mode. Every type is rated on the amount of hardness it can remove, prior to regeneration. A good water softener can be used for several years. These need less maintenance.

However, some salt has to be filled after a specific time span. The three types of salt that are used are Rock salt, Solar salt and Evaporated salt. Rock salt is traditionally mined from underground salt deposits. Solar salt is obtained after evaporation of water. Evaporated salt is mined from underground salt deposits of dissolved salt. Rock salt is cheaper than the other two. However, cleaning the reservoir of this salt consumes a lot of time and energy. Water softeners may be time operated or water meter-controlled. The latter produce the softest water for a pound of salt. Water softeners operate on electricity or waterpower. The cost of a water softener depends on:
  • type of water softener
  • type of energy used
  • hardness of water
  • use of water
Water Softening Systems

In a water softener, ions of magnesium and calcium are replaced with potassium and sodium by using a medium. This process is as follows:

For the ion replacement, a resin bed of small plastic beads or zeolite is covered with sodium or potassium ions. Then, the water is passed through this bed. Here, swapping of the ions takes place. Finally, the beads contain only calcium or magnesium. Now, softening ceases and the beads have to be regenerated. These are flooded with a brine solution that has a large quantity of sodium or potassium. Backwash means that the calcium, magnesium, dirt and sediments are drained from the beads. Lastly, the mineral tank is rinsed with fresh water and the brine tank is loaded, so that it is ready for the next cycle. Automatic water softeners recharge periodically in such a way that the occupants are not harmed. These are very water-efficient and regenerate only when there is a necessity.

Types of water softening systems with top-mount valves are:
  • Compact water softening systems with meter regeneration
  • Compact water softening systems with timeclock regeneration
  • Heavy-duty water softening systems with meter regeneration
  • Heavy-duty water softening systems with timeclock regeneration
Home water softeners

These may be fully automatic or demand initiated regeneration models. The former has a timer that on its own starts each step in the regeneration procedure. This regeneration is done at night when water usage is less. In the latter, all procedures are done automatically as a response to the demand for treated water. The salt storage has to be enough for many regenerations.

Water softener problems

A small quantity of sodium enters the water from the softener. This is hazardous to those having hypertension or heart problems. It also affects the grass growth and vegetation. The bacteria in the septic tanks may get killed. This is overcome by using potassium chloride. Alternatively, a bypass pipe may be installed so that the water does not pass through the filter. Soft water leaches heavy metals from pipes and this can reach dangerous levels. The softening procedure can remove the minute quantities of minerals from water that are useful to health.

Water softener comparison

Different water softeners like TwinTec Water Softener, Clements Water Softener, CAI Tech, Fresh Water Systems, Fountain Sotfners and Worldwide Water Systems are compared on the basis of base, price and guarantee. Others like Culligan, Fresh Water Systems Ltd and CAI Technologies are also compared on the basis of base, type, online ordering, secure site and shipping.

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