Friday, 15 July 2011

Caffeine in Coffee vs Green Tea

Be it coffee or green tea, the aroma is tantalizing. For coffee and tea aficionados, it's indeed difficult to restrict their daily cuppa depending on the health benefits. When comparison is made between the content of caffeine in coffee vs green tea, the winner is coffee. Contrary to this, the health benefits that come from green tea is definitely much more than coffee. Green tea has much lower amount of caffeine in it. The comparison comes, because these two beverages are widely consumed by everybody. And then it is bound to precede with health benefits in coffee and green tea. So go through the next content and find out if coffee or green tea is good for you. You can also read caffeine in coffee vs tea.

Caffeine Level in Coffee

The caffeine content in coffee is indeed much higher than that of green tea. It varies in different types of coffee. Arabica has much less caffeine content than Robusta. Light roast coffee contains more amount of caffeine than dark roast. Brewed coffee has the highest amount of caffeine in it. It is assumed that 8 oz of coffee contains average 75-90 grams of caffeine in it.

Caffeine Levels in Green Tea

Caffeine level in green tea is much less than coffee. 8 oz of green tea on an average, contains 25-30 grams of caffeine. Due to low amount of caffeine, green tea is considered as one of the healthiest beverages. The fact that makes green tea a much sought after drink, is due to the presence of caffeine diluting ingredients. Green tea contains theanine that can neutralize the over stimulating effect of caffeine. Catechins are powerful antioxidants that combines with caffeine when green tea is boiled and reduces the harmful effects of caffeine. Since the leaves are either steamed or baked, most of the potent nutrients are retained in green tea leaves. Get the benefits in the following content.

Is Green Tea Good for You?

I must say that green tea has emerged as a perfect lure for tea lovers and so it is considered as a health juice. Green tea benefits come from its low caffeine content. This forms the basis for all health benefits right from reduced health risk to weight loss drink. The antioxidants eliminates toxicity and free radicals from body. It is associated with lower heart risks and breast cancer. It also controls blood pressure and reduces cholesterol levels in body. Read more on is green tea good for you.

Green tea also helps in digestion and maintains a healthy digestive system. It prevents prostrate cancer and reduces growth of tumors. It serves an ideal drink for diabetic patients. Green tea also has anti-aging benefits and prevents tooth decay. People fighting with any type of cancer can take green tea regularly. Theanine, the amino acid present in green tea helps to get rid of depression symptoms. It also improves brain power and is also prescribed to patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Read more on green tea facts.

Is Coffee Good for You?

The higher caffeine content in coffee definitely doesn't condemn it as unfit for drinking. We all know that 'too many cooks, spoil the broth', so coffee consumed in excess is always damaging to health. But why to take the risk? If you are addicted to coffee, just try to cut down the number of cups to moderation. 2 cups daily is not harmful at all. Caffeine is hormonal and nervous system stimulant. It can boost your energy and physical stamina. It also stimulates your brain and lets you fight through stress and anxiety. It lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes and Parkinson's disease also. Drinking in moderation reduces chances of colon cancer and heart diseases. Read more on is coffee good for you.

If you flip the other side, you can also see the harmful effects of drinking coffee in excess. Caffeine is addictive and it entices you to drink one cup after another. Results of coffee addiction includes sleeplessness and headache. It causes over stimulation of brain and increases the activity of nervous system. Caffeine is a powerful stimulant and can lead to restlessness and rapid heart rate. If you are into the habit of drinking coffee regularly, never exceed 3 cups in a day. Read more on coffee side effects.

So in the comparison of caffeine in coffee vs green tea, it shows that green tea has minimum amount of caffeine. I won't ask you to stop drinking coffee, rather I shall suggest you to supplement 2 cups of green tea along with your every day coffee sip. It's always wise to drink in moderation to get the ultimate benefits of green tea as well as coffee.

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