Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Coffee Side Effects

What did you say? Side effects and coffee? You must be playing a joke on me! I am sure, quite a few coffee enthusiasts amongst us would perhaps give such a mocking and a reaction full of disbelief on the mention of side effects of coffee. However, even if we all love coffee, we can't forget the fact that if you overdo it, well, it could cause some problems. But that is not to say that coffee is injurious to our health. Still, in case for all ye coffee lovers who are game for knowing coffee side effects, you have landed on the right link!

Side Effects of Drinking Coffee

Effect #1
A jittery feeling, an increased heart beat, shakiness and a slight heartburn are a few short term effects of coffee. Excessive urination and restlessness too are a result of over consumption of coffee. Read more on is coffee bad for you.

Effect #2
Coffee is a stimulant and therefore has significant effects on the central nervous system. Although mental alertness is experienced by the person consuming coffee, excessive coffee drinking will lead to wearing off of this effect. This leads to insomnia and irritability. Moderate signs of physical addiction can also be observed in those who drink beyond 3 cups.

Effect #3
There is a heightened risk of cancer if too much of caffeine is consumed. It has been found out that coffee has polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, aldehydes, sulfides and tannic acids which have been proved to act as carcinogens, specifically in the liver.

Effect #4
As mentioned earlier, caffeine, the main substance in the coffee is a stimulant and has a considerable impact on the brain. Such an effect can be seen in caffeine interaction with adenosine, a brain chemical. Now adenosine is known to have a calming impact on the brain. So practically, even though this might seem ridiculous, the brain might get confused if these two interfere each other! This is one of the major coffee side effects. Read more on coffee ingredients.

Effect #5
The person consuming a lot of coffee over a period of time may experience stomach problems. This is because chemicals in the coffee can irritate the lining of the stomach, leading to digestion disorders. It can lead to negative effects of coffee like nausea, anxiety, dehydration and vomiting too.

Effect #6
There are apparently no long term effects of coffee. But if you are having coffee along with some medications, you might be inviting trouble. If a person has a history of drug abuse in connection with stimulants, coffee can exacerbate the addiction. This is thanks to the caffeine content in coffee.

Effect #7
Pregnant women should keep drinking of coffee from minimum to moderate because effects of coffee on the body in that situation can directly affect the fetus. In fact the risk of a miscarriage due to the caffeine has been found out to be more, even higher than nicotine and alcohol. In addition to that, women drinking more than 2 to 3 cups of coffee daily may face increased threat of fibrocystic breast cancer.

Some studies have definitively linked caffeine and breast cancer of this type. All these and more side effects are greater in those women who take oral contraceptives. In addition to this, pre-menstrual syndrome is experienced more prominently in women who drink a lot of coffee with caffeine than those who do not. The risk of cardiovascular disease is also increased with caffeine in case of women.

Except for the specific coffee side effects pertaining to women, side effects of coffee on men are the same, they are no different. But one thing is for sure, the men are on a bit of an advantageous side than the fairer sex.

This is it, that was all about coffee side effects! If you are still wondering is coffee good for you?, no problems! Try a cup and check out!

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