Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Coffee Ingredients

A cup of coffee in the morning, especially while reading newspaper is a must, without which we simply cannot start our day-to-day activities, isn't it? Take a sip of coffee and it can instantly stimulate the body and the mind. Coffee increases mental alertness as well as acts as an effective anti-depressant. No wonder, it is the most popular beverage in many countries. It hardly takes time to prepare coffee and once it is made, no one can resist its aroma and taste. Read more on antioxidants in coffee.

Coffee Granules Ingredients

The main chemical ingredients in coffee beans are given below:

    * Caffeine
    * Tannin
    * Thiamin
    * Xanthine
    * Spermidine
    * Citric Acid
    * Chlorogenic acid
    * Trigonelline
    * Acetaldehyde
    * Spermine
    * Hypoxanthine
    * Putrescine
    * Scopoletin

Some of these chemical compounds do not remain in their original form during preparation and form new compounds that give a unique taste and aroma to the coffee.

Coffee Ingredients

Coffee, no doubt is a delicious drink, but many people are unaware of its ingredients. There are number of variations, when it comes to making a hot cup of coffee but the ingredients remain the same. The common coffee ingredients are as follows:

Sugar plays a very crucial role to enhance the taste of this beverage. Depending upon your taste and liking, you can add 1 or 2 cups in your coffee. Coffee without sugar will give an unpleasant taste to the beverage.

There are people who prefer to make coffee without milk. Honestly speaking, this is not a good habit and drinking coffee without milk can be detrimental to health. Although drinking coffee can have few side effects, an easy way to significantly minimize these health problems, would be to add milk to coffee.

Coffee Granules
Coffee granules are nothing but coffee beans that are extracted from coffee plant. This is the main ingredient of coffee, without which this delicious drink cannot be made.

In order to prepare coffee, the required amount of water is first heated and then accordingly ground coffee is added. Although using hard water in coffee is not an issue, one should prefer soft water for a better tantalizing taste.

Coffee - Is it Good for Health?

Although, a cup of coffee is highly refreshing and one should never take it in excess amount. Coffee is very high in caffeine and so taking several cups of coffee in a day is dangerous for health. The combination of caffeine and tannin, can also put a person in the risk zone of several diseases. For instance, the stimulating effect of coffee can cause sleep deprivations and disturb normal sleeping patterns. Getting sleep after coffee is difficult and people after having coffee tend to remain wide awake for long periods of time. Coffee in large doses can raise cholesterol level and increase the probability of formation of kidney stones. Heavy coffee drinking is definitely harmful for health and this habit needs to be stopped immediately. Read more on negative effects of coffee.

After knowing coffee ingredients, especially caffeine, I hope heavy coffee drinkers think twice, before having another cup of coffee. Consuming it in moderation is the key to stay away from its ill effects. In fact, doctors believe that one can make coffee an integral part of their diet, when its taken in moderate amounts.

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