Thursday, 28 July 2011

Is coffee bad for your health?

For many years, coffee has been blamed for a series of medical problems from the amusing line "it will stop you from growing" to the less amusing worries that it might start heart disease and cancer. Despite all this, recent studies have shown that coffee isn’t as unhealthy as it was initially thought. So what’s the final answer? Is drinking coffee good or is it bad for your health? The best answer is that: it doesn’t seem to harm you and it might actually help you.

A recent study from May 2006 (128000 participants) has shown that there is no high risk for the appearance of cardiovascular diseases for filtered coffee consumers. The results of this study show that the risk of setting off such diseases is not influenced by the quantity of consumed filtered coffee.

In March 2006, 4000 coffee drinkers participated in a study showing the fact that two or more coffee cups per day can lead to high risk of setting off a heart disease. It only happens in the cases of persons suffering from a specific genetic mutation that slows down the body’s assimilation process when it comes to coffee.

There are two sides of the debate yet, considering the large number of participants in the first study we mentioned here (plus numerous other studies), it is logical that we come to the conclusion that this liquid causes very little or no harm to the persons that love to drink it.

However, this affirmation does not imply that you would exaggerate when it comes to drinking coffee. Even if large quantities of the stuff do not harm you, there are also a variety of other drinks such as milk or juice that contain certain nutrients that coffee does not. We should not exaggerate in any situation.

When it comes to other advantages that coffee can bring to your general state of health, there are some scientifically facts claiming that constant coffee consumption protects the body against type 2 diabetes and colon cancer.

There are no exact reasons why coffee has anything to say when it comes to that certain type of diabetes, but doctors have come up with a series of plausible explanations:

Coffee contains antioxidants that control the destruction of a cell that contributes to the evolution of the disease. In addition, it is a source of clorogenyc acid-in the case of experiments conducted on animals, it was proven that this reduces glucose concentrations.

Caffeine, maybe the most famous ingredient of coffee, doesn’t seem to be linked in any way to this fact. Studies that have analyzed decaffeinated coffee have shown that this prevents the disease in the same way as coffee containing caffeine does.

Large quantities of coffee seem to contribute to the prevention of diabetes – researches have discovered that people who drink four up to six cups of coffee per day have 28% lower risk in getting the disease compared to people who drink 2 or less cups per day. Studies show that people who drink over six cups per day have a lower 35% of getting the disease.

Though protection against these affections as type2 diabetes and cancel to the colon is more evident due to the consumption to fruit, vegetables and certain cereals then it is due to drinking coffee. Thus don’t be afraid to enjoy your cup daily, but keep in mind that your diet must contain a large variety of food and drinks.

There are also other advantages that coffee has on your general health state .The blacker the coffe, the better.That`s why researchers recommend an espresso over regular coffee. Coffee contains tannin and antioxidants that have benefit effects on the heart and arteries.

Also coffee can be held responsible for the disappearance of headaches and can bring advantages to the liver’s activities –it can prevent cirrhoses and stones. Caffeine can reduce asthmatic attacks, improving blood flow through the heart.

Nevertheless, drinking coffee is not recommended to everyone. Drinking the world’s most popular drug in large quantities can increase anxiety, determining shaking of hands and fast cardiac rhythm. Pregnant women, patients with heart disease and those who suffer from ulcer are advised to avoid drinking coffee.

There are numerous studies and their conclusions even more so. With all this, scientists recommend that one should not drink more than 3 maximum 4 cups of coffee per day.

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