Friday, 15 July 2011

Decaffeinated Coffee and Pregnancy

Every morning, when you hate to get up from your cozy and comfortable bed, a cup of coffee is all you need to get rid of that slothfulness. Most of us simply can't do without it, but if you ask a pregnant woman if she would want a cup of coffee, she wouldn't take even a jiffy and respond with a 'no'. Does that mean a pregnant woman cannot have coffee at all? Well, the reason behind avoidance of coffee is connected with the harmful effect that caffeine has on her unborn child. If it is caffeine that needs to be avoided, does that make decaffeinated coffee a safer alternative during pregnancy? Let's find out more regarding the use of decaffeinated coffee and pregnancy.

Is Decaffeinated Coffee Safe during Pregnancy?

You might have read about decaf coffee and pregnancy in health magazines or on the Internet. I am sure some questions that might be lurking in the minds of several pregnant women include - Can you drink decaffeinated coffee when pregnant? Well, resisting the temptation throughout those nine months does take a lot of courage. Most pregnant women who are otherwise apprehensive due to the harmful caffeine side effects wonder, if decaf coffee is safe or not. To answer these questions, we would first have to throw some light on the concept of decaffeinated coffee process. Is there any caffeine in decaffeinated coffee? What do the studies regarding decaffeinated coffee and pregnancy reveal? Many people might get confused and think of decaffeinated coffee as being completely devoid of caffeine. But that's not true. Decaf coffee is made by retaining the contents that impart flavor to the drink and removing a majority of its caffeine content. Decaf coffee does contain caffeine, but in smaller amounts. So, when you are drinking decaf coffee during pregnancy, you are not taking in as much caffeine as in case of the normal coffee. There isn't conclusive evidence regarding decaffeinated coffee and pregnancy. The fact that it contains caffeine in smaller amounts does make it a safer alternative. Since, caffeine cannot be removed from coffee in its entirety, it is a choice you need to make. If you don't want caffeine entering your system at all when you are pregnant, you will need to avoid coffee completely. If you are one of those women who cannot do without coffee, switching to decaffeinated coffee would certainly lower the health risks.

Decaffeinated Coffee Health Risks

Since there isn't any conclusive evidence regarding issues related to decaffeinated coffee and pregnancy, to be on a safer side, you must cut down on your intake of decaffeinated coffee. You must not get lured into drinking too much decaf coffee because of its low caffeine content. Though some studies reveal that 2-3 cups daily might not cause any harm to you and your baby, but this varies from person to person. Thus, it all depends on the overall health of the individual. For some, lower doses of coffee might also lead to health problems. In case of pregnant women, high intake of caffeine may also affect the baby directly. Since the baby's system is far more sensitive than the mother, care must be taken to avoid such problems. Just like the normal coffee, excessive intake of decaffeinated coffee is also known to cause certain health problems. Some of the decaf coffee side effects are acid reflux, heartburn, heart problems and osteoporosis. These were some of the health risks involved due to over consumption of decaffeinated coffee. Excess of anything is bad, and that goes for decaffeinated coffee as well. Pregnant women must make sure that they cut down on coffee. If they wish to drink decaffeinated coffee, they must not drink more than 3 cups. Moderate consumption is the key to avoiding any health problems associated with decaffeinated coffee and pregnancy. Since the life within you is far more important that any temptation, you must make sure that you go easy on decaffeinated coffee as well.

Hope you found the information on decaffeinated coffee and pregnancy useful. Drink decaffeinated coffee in moderation in order to avoid any health risks. So, however tempted you may be, drink less coffee. Stay healthy!

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