Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Kayak Fishing Tips

Fishing from a kayak can be a wonderful sporty experience, provided that you know the tips and tricks to control the kayak and fishing at the same time. One of the major advantages of this venture is the low cost. Sea kayaks are affordable to set up on one's own in comparison to other types of fishing watercraft. Their lightweight and small size also make them practically accessible for transporting from one place to another.

You can set out for kayak fishing in any type of water body having sufficient space for kayaking. Since the depth of a kayak is not much, they can be sailed through a shallow water body. There is no major limitations to kayaking, until and unless you have selected manageable water. Nevertheless, prior to starting out your day, understand the kayak fishing tips and tricks, so as to make your sport adventure more fun and exciting.

Tips on Kayak Fishing
Kayak fishing is no different than other forms of angling with the help of watercraft. Hence, you can become an expertise in kayak fishing with time. And the best part is kayaks do not produce large waves that disturb the water or scare away the fish. Some of the useful saltwater kayak fishing tips that you can employ are as follows:

Safety is Paramount
Kayak fishing is not so easy, especially if you are fishing in a large water body. It is better to take kayaking lessons from a expert and learn the tips to remain safe. Ensure that you check the weather report and necessary information about the water safety before kayaking. In case of any possible challenges in weather condition, postpone your trip to another day.

Check the Kayak Type
Kayaks are available in two models, namely, the sit-in and sit-on-top models. The former type is an old model, which requires the angler to sit inside the kayak; whereas the latter is a new model, wherein the angler sits on top of the kayak. A sit-in kayak is more stable, hence if you are kayaking for the first time, it is better to opt for this model. Read more on how to buy a kayak.

Select a Good Kayak
The first and foremost important consideration for kayak fishing is selecting the right equipment, or more precisely, the kayak. A well-equipped brand new kayak will cost around USD 1000 or slightly higher. Based on your budget, you can opt for a new kayak or a used kayak. In case, you are using a used one, make sure the yak is in a good usable condition.

Analyze the Paddle and Bilge Pump
If you are confused about how to choose a kayak paddle, you can always opt for lightweight, but superior brand of paddles. With such an option, you can continue paddling for a prolonged period. One of the most important ocean kayak fishing tips is to carry extra good quality paddles. By doing so, you will remain safe, even if you or any of your friends lost the first paddle by any chance. Read more on kayak paddling instructions.

Kayak Fishing Gear
Pack the required fishing gear like rods, reels, lines, artificial lures and live baits for fishing on a kayak. If your kayak lacks self-draining scuppers , carry a bilge pump to evacuate water from he kayak (if necessary). Last but not the least, carry extra dry bags. As you are going to be in the middle of water, you can put your accessories in waterproof, dry bags.

This was a brief overview in regard to kayak fishing tips. For your safety, do not forget to wear personal flotation device (PFD) and efficient signaling devices. After all, safety comes first with any type of sport fishing. If possible, get yourself examined by a qualified doctor prior to the venture, so that you remain comfortable while in water. With these useful tips for fishing on a kayak, I hope you can pursue this sport without any hurdles.

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