The concept of once a month cooking means you spend a day or two on cooking, and are left with enough meals that last throughout the month. Once a month cooking recipes are frozen, so that the foods can be used when needed during the month. The benefit of cooking, in this manner, is that it saves time as you buy groceries in bulk on the day of the cooking. Other advantages about once a month cooking plans are that they save energy, money, and food resources. So if you have a busy schedule ahead of you or are too tired to cook, these once a month cooking recipes can come in handy. The clincher, of course, is thinking up thirty meals to last the whole month. Here are some recipes that may become your 'once a month cooking family favorites'.
Once a Month Cooking Breakfast Recipes
Breakfast Sandwiches
* 2 dozen eggs
* 2 dozen slices of Canadian bacon
* 2 dozen bagels
* 2 dozen slices of cheddar cheese
* ziploc freezer bags
Fry the eggs. Each breakfast sandwich will contain a bagel, one fried egg, a slice of the Canadian bacon, and a slice of cheddar cheese. Pack them in the mentioned order, place in the ziploc bags and store in freezer. Microwave the sandwiches each time, you're serving them.
French Toast
* 8 cups cubed French bread or raisin bread
* 16 oz cream cheese
* 2 green apples, sliced
* ¾ cup brown sugar
* ¾ cup half and half creamer
* ¼ cup sugar
* ½ cup pecans
* 2 teaspoons vanilla
Place the bread cubes in a well-oiled dish and top it with apples. Add cream cheese, 1 tsp vanilla, ¼ cup half and half, and pecans in a bowl. Spread this mixture over the apples and top off with the remaining bread cubes. In a different bowl, beat the eggs and add rest of the vanilla and half and half. Pour over the bread, cover and freeze. On the serving day, thaw it for 30 minutes before baking. Bake it uncovered for 35 minutes over 350ยบ F heat.
Once a Month Cooking Vegetarian Recipes
Peas and Onion Soup
* 2 packs frozen peas
* 1 small onion, chopped
* 1 celery, chopped
* 1 cup vegetable broth
* 4-5 mint leaves
* 1 cup light cream
* salt and pepper for taste
Cook the peas in hot water until tender and then pour into the blender. Blend celery, onion, and vegetable broth with the peas until it's smooth. Pour the mixture in a bowl and add light cream, salt and pepper, and chopped mint leaves. Let it cool and refrigerate it in a freezing bag. On the day of serving, defrost the soup. This soup is served chilled, but you can have it warm as well.
Saffron Yellow Rice
* 3 saffron strands
* 1 cup rice
* 1 teaspoon onion powder
* ¼ teaspoon garlic powder
* ¼ teaspoon turmeric
* ¼ teaspoon sugar
* ¼ teaspoon cumin
* ½ teaspoon salt
Combine all the ingredients and keep it in a sealed container. On the day of serving, combine the rice mixture, 2 cups of water, and 1 tablespoon oil and bring it to a boil over medium heat. Frequently, stir the rice and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. When the rice is done, serve hot. Read more vegetarian recipes.
Once a Month Cooking Chicken Recipes
Chicken Casserole
* 3 lbs boneless chicken breast
* 2 lbs broccoli
* 4 cups cheddar cheese, shredded
* 6 cups rice
* 2 chicken broth cubes
Steam broccoli and rice separately with a chicken broth cube in each. Boil the chicken breasts and dice them when cooked. Mix the cooked broccoli, rice, and diced chicken breasts and then, add cheese over the mixture. Pack sufficient amounts for each meal in separate ziploc bags. On the day of serving, microwave for about 7 minutes, and it's ready to eat.
Teriyaki Chicken
* chicken (breast, legs, wings, and thighs)
* 1 piece ginger, crushed
* ¼ cup water
* ¼ cup brown sugar
* ¼ cup white wine
* 1 teaspoon garlic salt
* 1 cup soy sauce
Combine all the ingredients and pour it over the chicken. Put the mixture in a freezer bag and keep it in the refrigerator. On the day of serving, defrost the chicken. You can grill it, cook it in the oven, or stir fry in a skillet. When the chicken is tender, serve it hot. Read more chicken recipes.
For additional information about cooking on a budget, go to:
* Meal Planning on a Budget
* Eating Healthy on a Budget
* Budget Meal Planning Recipes
These once a month cooking healthy recipes can be prepared, according to the number of members in your family. These once a month cooking recipes are the best way to beat the morning rush as you get the breakfast ready in a short while, and also you don't have to worry about what to cook in the evenings.
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