Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Salmon Fishing Techniques

There are a few more other fishes, apart from salmon that give you sheer joy of fishing and a definite reward to go along with it. Fishing is not that hard, once you know the how, why, where and when of it. This is true especially, in case of salmon which is such a lively and sporting fish. Salmons are varied in shape and vary in weight ranging from 3lbs to 90lbs and plus, no wonder why salmon fishing is world's especially, America's most favorite pastime! There is everything great about this fish, from its taste, size and dwelling habits.

But mind you, fishing salmon is never easy, at least when you are not equipped with proper salmon fishing techniques. It is often said that, 10% of fishermen find 90% of fish. Ironic, but its really a fact. There is a huge difference between those 10% and the others, which lies in their salmon fishing techniques and a few things like when, where and how to catch the salmons, that make all the difference.

Fishing techniques for Salmon
There are various techniques of fishing that can be used for catching the salmon, but fly fishing is the best of them all, when you are indulging into a solitary fishing. A fact of matter is that the salmons do not 'fall' for any bait while moving from saltwater to the fresh water, but, there are stories telling fishermen having found huge salmons using shrimps and worms as baits.

It is important that the fish takes the line, at that time, tighten your grip into the fish. Any unnatural movement can cost you that heavy piece of meat! Always play downstream with the salmon so that they won't 'feel at home' and would have to take efforts to stay against the force of water. This will tire the fish, easing your job as a catcher.

It is important to have deep knowledge about the fishing gears. For an instance, use a 16lbs (which is about 9 feet long) breaking strain leader for larger fish. Also, never forget to use a sink-tip fly line, while a fast sinking braided leader on the floating line is very handy in some situations. Light and single hook flies are always welcome and handy.

The modern day flies, that are easily available in the fishing stores, are actually very useful than the imitating one's. To retain the contact with the water, always mend the line occasionally. You can do this by flipping the line, this will turn the downstream belly of fly in upward direction. Flipping the line would also strengthen the connection between the angler and the fly.

Salmon Fishing Tips and Techniques
There are a few things that an amateur fisherman needs to consider before he goes to catch the salmon. First things first, make sure you are not fishing in the dark! What I mean to say, is make sure fishing is not restricted where you are standing, otherwise, you will have to leave the fish right into the water and get home with no reward!

Even though you are well aware of the salmon fishing techniques, if you go there during start of the fishing season, all that you would get is the sunk lines and tube flies! As a matter of fact, one can bait salmon at any given hour of the day or night but dawn and dusk are the most favorite times of the experienced fishers, for assured rewards. Early night and early morning is the time when one has the maximum chances of catching some fresh salmons!

There are many theories of fishers that vow about the relation of temperatures and fishing the salmon. Well, for the believers, there are a few thermometers available! For the temperature below 45 degree F, use sunk lines and large tube flies, while for temperatures above 50 degree F, always go for floating lines and smaller flies. People also say that when the air temperature is higher than that of the water, one doesn't always succeeds with the salmon. So, consider these things and then apply your salmon fishing techniques!

As I said before, always use the downstream. Also, try in places where salmons prefer to take rest. Some of the favorite places of the salmon to 'relax' include, back eddies, clean water, comfortable water current, shallow trenches, etc. places having natural camouflage like deep tree roots. Hence, positioning the line is the most important lesson in the salmon fishing techniques for the amateurs salmon anglers.

Salmon fishing techniques differ greatly than that of the fishes like trout and halibuts and hence, they need the special treatment. For better rewards, try fishing in a group so that, you could have a quality fishing experience all together. After catching the fish, it is very important to store it in a hygienic condition so that chances of any kind of food poisoning can be avoided.

This was all about salmon fishing techniques. I hope, I have managed to reach you with some useful fishing techniques for salmon. Now, what are you waiting for? Go and catch some salmons! Have a happy fishing!

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